The Career Management Network group on LinkedIn is still our main site for dynamic information, like news stories, current job opportunities, community calendar events and discussions. To access any of this, you'll need to be a member of LinkedIn and our group.
The blog on the other hand is open to the public, and designed to provide fast access to group information. From our "corporation" page showing our diverse skillsets, to speaker meeting notes (indexed by topic), to books they recommended, to free online courses, etc. It is for everything outside of LinkedIn, our group archive and reference library.
Basically, this group is a very loose put together group. We started around January 2009. We were going through career management assistance over at Right Management. In one of the classes during one of the discussion sessions we started talking. There were about 10-12 of us in that class that day.And we decided, "You know, when our benefits are over here at Right Management, we should continue helping each other finding a job somewhere. Why don't we get together on Friday mornings at 10:00 in the conference room on the third floor, and discuss how we may be able to help each other?" And this is what we have. This group is what came out of it. And over the last 14 months, more than 100 of us have gotten jobs.
The reason we meet here. We are here to help each other get a job. The objective is, next week, there won't be anybody in this room because we are all employed. Until we get to that point, we keep getting together and helping each other.
We have a lot of different skills. Especially the people that did not go through Right Management, that are here, that we have invited to come into this group. Those of us that went through Right Management, our resumes are perfect, our negotiating skills are great, Because we got a lot of skills out of there. Our former employers paid for that. Not only did they pay us severance, but they also paid for us to go to Right Management, so that we were able to get a lot of skills that other people, that are in this room, don't have. And that's why we are trying to help everybody get to that point.
If your resume stinks, then bring it up, and let's have a resume writing session. If you're not on LinkedIn, and you're not properly connected, let's get you in. That's what it's all about.