Be On-Purpose!

by Kevin W. McCarthy - Dec 18, 2009

Most people...
  • don't know who they are,
  • don't know where they want to go,
  • don't know how to get there,
  • don't know what's important to them.
Why am I here, on this planet? What's my purpose?

It doesn't matter how old you are, it's how passionate you are.

Use the think me mindset. I am a corporation. Think of a company as a metaphor of who you are.

Strategic Confusion = Execution Confusion

Purpose, vision, mission, and values. You want to get to a point of clarity.

Purpose Statement

You need to have a purpose statement, with just two words, to have a sense of strategic clarity. I exist to "   " and "   ".

Commodity vs. Product. It's all about the thing vs. what you can do with it.

Need to understand your client. Be comfortable in your skin.

What would you do if you won the lottery, after you buy all the stuff you always wanted?

You can create the job, the position, and the career out of your passion.

Pp <=> Po

The purpose of the person is aligned with the purpose of the organization.

Pp > Plan > People > Purpose > Process > Performance > Job

You create value as you move to the right, first for the customer, then the customer's customer, and so on.

Be real. Be yourself. If you do this, you will prosper.

Life is like a dumbell. If your private life is not in alignment with your public life, you will have problems.

Take a medial job and turn it into a meaningful job. Don't take a bridge to nowhere, ie. a bridge job that doesn't get you closer to your destination.

One definition of a job, "Just Over Broke."

Identify your target audience. Understand all of the customer levels, to find out how to add value to your organization.

Financial Argument

Sales - Expenses = Profit

If you don't know where you sit within this expression, how can you make a business case to join the company?

Think of yourself as the consultant of a company.

If you're applying for a clerical position, you have about a 3X risk factor. That is, whatever salary you want to earn, you would need to make three times this for the company. A professional position will have a 10X or greater risk factor.

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