Holiday Boost for you Job Search

by Right Management - Dec 4, 2009

If your plan is to wait until the holidays are over to really jump start your job search, think again. The holidays are actually a great time to hunt for a new job. Here are some helpful tips for boosting your job search.

Use Holiday Events to Network

View every holiday event you attend as a networking opportunity and accept all the invitations you receive, both personal and professional. You never know who may be able to help. Friends and family, as well as business acquaintances are typically more than happy to assist. A word of warning - don't overindulge. You don't want to be remembered as the guest who had one too many drinks.

Send Holiday or New Year's Cards

If you're looking for work or have job searched at all this year, take a few minutes to thank the people who helped with your job search. Don't send an email. Rather, take the time to send an old-fashioned holiday card to everyone who has assisted. It's an inexpensive, even if you figure the postage, way to both show your appreciation to those who helped and to make a good impression. Do be sure to send a general holiday card, not a religious one.

Beat the rush for this holiday season by sending a Happy Thanksgiving card during November. Or, send a Happy New Year card in late December, if you're determined to waste these prime hunting months and compete with everyone else on Jan. 2.

Cards for the obvious holiday (Christmas) are probably appropriate, if you know that the recipient is Christian, but more generic "Happy Holiday" cards are considered safer and more "PC", hopefully covering Kwanzaa and Hanukkah, too. Pick cards for those specific holidays if you know they are appropriate, but be VERY careful not to offend someone with a "wrong" card. Of course, your card will probably be competing with many other similar holiday cards, but not very many from other job seekers.

Don't Quit Your Job Search

Don't quite your job search just because you think companies aren't hiring. Despite the down job market, companies are hiring and they don't stop just because it's the holidays. You may not find as many openings as you will after the first of the year, but you may find there's less competition for the jobs that are available.

Have a Schedule

Create a job searching schedule with at least one item to accomplish every day. Don't get lazy or depressed; keep your spirits up by taking positive action during the entire holiday season.

Build Your Brand

Do you have a VisualCV? How about a JobFox page? Is your LinkedIn Profile complete, up-to-date and enticing to potential employers? Have you made those photos of that wild party private on Facebook? If the answer is no, or maybe, or sort of, spend time building your brand so that every single facet of your online brand is not only respectable, but professional and showcases your personal persona. Remember, that if it's online, someone will find it, and that someone could be your prospective employer.

Connect With Your Contacts

The holiday season is an ideal time to connect with your contacts. Wish all your contacts, on Facebook, LinkedIn, and the other social and professional networking sites "Happy Holidays" and remind them that you're in the market for a new job. Also, take some time to expand your network and increase the number of connections you have. The more connections, the more people who can assist with your job search.

Get a Business Card

Get a business card printed with your name, address, phone number(s), and email address. You can design and order cards for a very reasonable price online or at an office supply store. Have your business card ready to give to new contacts when you meet them, so it's easy for them to get in touch with you.

Be Available to Interview

When employers have an end-of-year hiring crunch, being the applicant who can interview on short notice can help your candidacy. When you have a really good opportunity be as flexible and as available as possible when it comes to scheduling interviews. Your availability may help you be the candidate who gets the job offer. Don't forget a thank you note and if time is short, an email thank you is fine.

Makeover Your Resume

If your resume doesn't measure up, and expectations are very high these days, spend some time on a resume makeover. Even if your resume isn't professional written, it should appear as though it was. Invest some time in making sure your resume is close to perfect and ready to impress everyone who reviews it.

Read a Career Book

When you have a bit of down time, spend some of it reading a career book. There are some new books, as well as some older favorites, that will help you keep up with what's happening in the world of careers, and help you build, manage, or change your career.

Seasonal Work

Take seasonal work during the holidays to tide your finances into the New Year. Temporary agencies also see an increase in employer requests as companies struggle to complete annual goals and enable employees to use their vacation time.

Volunteer And Help Others

The holiday season is a time of year when many of us are asked to donate our time to help others. However, not only is volunteering good for society, according to job search expert, Judi Garcia, volunteering is a good way to increase your self-esteem and confidence while in the job search. She advises job seekers consider volunteering in their local communities because helping others is time well spent, while also networking with community and other professionals. Also, you never know when a job idea or opportunity can show up. Volunteering in the community can lead to a mentoring or leadership role as a board member, and looks good on a resume.

Take a Break. Enjoy the Holidays

One of the best things you can do for yourself, and for your job search, is to take a break. Spend time with family and friends. Do something fun. Enjoy yourself. Do relax a little and don't forget to enjoy the holiday season. Changing gears and focusing on something other than your job search can be a good way to refocus and get back on track. That's important too, for all of us, whether we are job seeking, or not.

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