
Learn from the experts who stopped by to speak to our group. They thought their recommendations were useful, so why not investigate one that interests you? Here's a list of books that have been mentioned during previous sessions

5 Necessary Skills by Richard S Pearson
Searching for a new job or trying to hang on to the one you have? This book will help you learn how to be proactive, how to be cognizant of and recognize what's going on in your company, the importance of networking, the importance of finding a mentor, and how to deal with bad bosses.

The Entrepreneurial Myth by Michael E. Gerber
Dispels the myths surrounding starting your own business and shows how commonplace assumptions can get in the way of running a business. He also walks you through the steps in the life of a business and how to apply the lessons of franchising to any business.

The Executive Job Search by Orrin Wood
Prepare yourself effectively for the rigors of the job market by taking charge of your job search in today's competitive environment. He offers proven strategies and insights for experienced professionals, with a gold mine of checklists and techniques designed to help you make better use of your time, hone your decision-making skills.

The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins
Practical advice for undertaking new opportunities and understanding new vulnerabilities, quickly and without much upheaval. Includes checklists and sample learning plans. HR related content based on self-discipline, team building, and the availability of trusted advice and counsel.

Get Back to Work Faster by Jill Konrath
Change how you look at job hunting forever, instead of focusing on writing a better resume, preparing for interviews or excelling at networking. Instead, discover how to sharpen your value proposition, position yourself as an invaluable resource, developing compelling emails, and more. FREE e-book!

Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 2.0 by Jan Conrad Levinson
A contemporary and embracing job search bible. This book offers literally hundreds of little known insider tips, strategies, out-of-the-box success stories, hands-on exercises, and pearls of wisdom. It is an absolutely 'right on' book for today's job market, taking you into the electronic job search system better than anything written to date.

I'm on LinkedIn -- Now What??? by Jason Alba
Designed to help you get the most out this popular business networking site. Includes the latest and great approaches for using LinkedIn, a system with over 32 million members. Learn the different benefits and best practices (including LinkedIn Groups) so that you can get the most out of LinkedIn.

The Job Search Solution by Tony Beshara
Take control of your job search experience by using the simple yet incredibly powerful step-by-step system that has helped over 100,000 people find and get jobs they love, with illuminating real-life job search stories. The book also contains interactive exercises and practical Dos and Don'ts.

Landing the Job You Want by William Byham
Written from an executive whose business is teaching managers how to interview job candidates. He knows what they're looking for--and how you can successfully prepare for landing that job you really want. This book will help you to make your next job interview one of the most positive experiences of your life.

Multiple Streams of Income by Robert G. Allen
Advice drawn from 20 years of writing and promoting get-rich books through seminars, infomercials, and home-study courses. He shows you how to create income with little or no investment. Many who read this book find it hard to resist implementing one, if not several, of his recommended income strategies.

Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi
Seek out mentors to guide you and introduce you to the people you need to know and then become a mentor yourself. Use your initial conversation to show the other person what you have to offer. The author presents a whirlwind of ideas to widen your circle of contacts that goes way beyond standard networking.

The On-Purpose Business by Kevin W. McCarthy
Explains in logical detail why it is important to align our head, hands, and heart in our business endeavors, as in all areas of our lives. Written in story format, this book is a quick read. Individuals can also apply the lessons to their daily lives to increase their personal sense of fulfillment and happiness.

The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck
Melding love, science, and religion into a primer on personal growth. He suggests that "life is difficult" and personal growth is a "complex, arduous and lifelong task." Shares his life stories and intimate stories of his anonymous therapy clients creating a compelling and heartfelt narrative.

SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham
Essential reading for everyone involved in selling or managing the sales function. Provides a set of simple and practical techniques (known as SPIN) which have already been tried in many leading companies, resulting in a dramatic increase in sales. Almost anyone could learn something from this book.

StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath
Do what you do best every day. Usually our natural talents go untapped, from the time we were born to the office cubicle, devoting more time to fixing our shortcomings than to developing our strengths. This book helps people uncover their top five talents.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
From a nationally known author, lecturer, and consultant in human resources management this book, also known as the "Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature" shows how contemporary millionaires and billionaires, such as Bill Gates, Mary Kay Ash, Dave Thomas, and Sir John Templeton, achieved their wealth.

Topgradding by Ph.D., Bradford D. Smart
An increasing number of observers now agree that the key to building a superior company is the ongoing ability to recruit and retain superior personnel. In this book, industrial psychologist and global consultant Bradford Smart expands upon how this is done.

Twitter for Beginners by Crow Communications, LLC
Using Twitter for business. It covers how to understand and use Twitter’s features, importance of defining your Twitter business goal, best practices, strategies for defining your Twitter community, and guidelines for crafting effective messages, and more. FREE e-book!

What Color is Your Parachute by Richard N. Bolles
A time honored and celebrated book for almost 40 years, vital to job-hunting in this economy. It is updated, and rewritten for the current job market, bringing decades of experience.