Strategies and Tactics

by Jason Alba - Oct 15, 2009

How to have Job Security:
- get a college degree
- get a masters degree
- learn a foreign language

Unfortunately, these days none of the above apply. It's all about Job Security vs. Income Security vs. Career Management.

Why Social?

It's your "Personal Brand".

If you do not actively work on your personal brand, you will inherit a stereotype.

Try writing an e-book on your expertise, and use to send to job prospects. This is far better than any 30-sec commercial and is like your resume on steroids.

80% of 30-sec pitches really "suck"! Most people put in too much jargon or take others to places where you really don't want.

We mis-communicate to friends and family what we do.

Target at least 3 companies so you can reply to the question "How's your job search going?" with something like "I'm trying to get network contacts into..."

Personal Branding, Your Secret Weapon

Business Card?

Email Signature!
- List your name and what you do.
- Don't sell features, sell benefits.

LinkedIn Profile (under your name)
- Write what you do.

LinkedIn Invitations
- Answer with your email signature which includes what you do.
- This is a marketing tool.

Grow your network by creating a larger network with relevant connections. Nurture these relationships.

Comprehensive/Complementary Social Strategy

Get involved with one or more of the areas below. They each can help promote the others.
- Blogs, professional
- Newletter, form of marketing
- Facebook, casual friends
- LinkedIn, must have!
- Articles, share your expertise
- Book(s)
- Twitter, may not be for everybody
- JibberJobber, manage and nurture relationships

Twitter Tip #1 - Once a day give a tip, or automate this process using a website.

A blog does not have the same limits as a resume does. You get to show your professional depth and breadth. Blogging is a personal branding tool.

"The Hidden Job Market"

Early on during the job creation process, only 1-2 people know about the position, then a few more when it is initially posted on the job boards. After that a deluge. Having those 1-2 people knowing about you through your blog, article, etc. showing your expertise will help you get ahead of the rest.

Twitter Tip #2 - They're the Yellow Pages of Twitter. Use to search all of Orlando for the number of followers. Find a member with a large count and post your question to him/her.

Write a monthly jobseeker newsletter. Keep it consise, but contain at least the following...
1. companies I've interviewed that month;
2. here's the titles I've applied to; and
3. these are the 3 target companies (these can change over time).

Write an article (500-1200 words) and publish it online. Post a link to it on your signature, LinkedIn profile, etc. Post on a website that hosts articles.

- use for relationship management
- manage career for life
- store contacts, comapnies and jobs

The JibberJobber site offers 3 levels of service:
1. Free for life, with up to 250 contacts.
2. $5/mo., more features
3. $10/mo. with all the bells and whistles.

Purchasing his DVD for $50 includes a 1 year subscription of JibberJobber access. A $150 value if purchased separately.

Believe it or not, most of your job leads come from your 3rd level contacts.

Speaker bio: Jason is the CEO of and is the author of

"I'm on LinkedIn -- Now What???"
"I'm on Facebook --- Now What???"
"I'm on LinkedIn -- Now What???" DVD

He can be reached at

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